Getting More Experience Enjoying A Swim in Infinity Pool at Rinjani Lodge

Lombok is rich with unique and amazing tourist destinations that it seems to be a pity to pass up. One of them is the fun of swimming in the infinity pool at Rinjani Lodge that he said is similar to the existing infinity pool at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Lodge in North Lombok district is very suitable as a vacation choice for families, couples, or the excitement with friends. The inn is located at the foot of Mount Rinjani is very famous. To find the location of a unique and attractive inn is also not a difficult thing. This inn is located on the left side of the road before Senaru Bus Station. At the front of the resort, there is also a large board with the inscription above the street so that every visitor will be easy to see the location of the inn.

This inn region consists of lodging, restaurants, and a pool. Visitors who do not want to spend the night in this lodge can also enjoy the fun to swim in the pool or enjoy a menu of delicious dishes in the restaurant. However, for visitors who do not stay in the lodge, to enjoy free swimming had to order the food menu is available in the restaurant. There are several facilities available in the lodge at the foot of Mount Rinjani such as their facilities free Wi-Fi, overnight rates are quite affordable, and a swimming pool with water from mountain water is processed, as well as some other interesting facilities.

If you would like to enjoy the fun swim in the infinity pool at Rinjani Lodge, you can take a trip of about three hours Mataram. The inn’s location is indeed located at the foot of Mount Rinjani so you need a trip that seemed to divide the island of Lombok. You should prepare well on this trip so that you do not feel bored for the road. You can prepare a snack and make sure the condition of the vehicle is also good. However, with the beauty offered along the way, you definitely will really enjoy the way to the area of ​​specialty in the area of ​​Mount Rinjani. In addition, the smooth road conditions, it inevitably will further facilitate this trip.

When you arrive at the location of the inn, you should not be disappointed to see the front of the inn that looks simple. However, when you enter the front yard and the entrance to the inn, you can feel in calm and interesting there. The inn serves a concept of lodging, restaurants and swimming pools. Restaurants there brought the two concepts, namely the concept of Lesbian and chair-table concept. One of the charms of this lodging is the unique infinity pool. The pool size is not too large. However, the uniqueness of this pool is the view offered is very remarkable. In addition, water used in the pool is also a mountain of water that has been processed so that the water is cool and clear.

Finding a vacation area that is exciting and fun indeed be a challenge and excitement of its own. If you have a holiday agenda in the near future, you should not miss to visit Lombok rich in unique and interesting travel destinations. The natural beauty is one of the main attractions for the visitors. If you wish to find lodging that not only offers convenient amenities, you should not miss to visit Rinjani Lodge. If you just want to enjoy the beauty of the view and swim with the atmosphere more exciting, you do not need to stay, you can just enjoy a swim in the infinity pool at Rinjani Lodge while enjoying a variety of delicious menu at the restaurant.

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