Ganggari Fast Boat

Ganggari Fast Boat Service

The new brand of fast boat service connects Bali, Gili Islands, and Lombok with only 1.5 minutes of sea transfer. Ganggari Fast Boat is a new boat operator, and it has been operating ...

Mystical, Mysterious Trunyan Necropolis

Trunyan necropolis is located in a traditional village of Trunyan. The village stands at the foot of mount Abang, which is why the village is quite remote and isolated from the civilization. ...

Goa Lawah, an Ancient Temple where Thousands of Bats Live

Goa Lawah is known as one of the most sacred temples in Bali. Local people call the cave temple as Pura Goa Lawah because it is used by thousands of bats. Local legend also said ...
Bluewater Express

Bluewater Express

Departing from Serangan Port, Bluewater Express offers departures at 8:00 a.m. to Gili Trawangan and Lombok. Additionally, there’s a departure at 9:15 a.m. from Padangbai ...